
Lifecycle Management #

Flexible And Efficient Retention Policies #

TTL files in the open sourced SeaweedFS version have these limitations:

  • The files must be written in TTL mode. The TTL value could not be updated.
  • Many filer stores do not natively support TTL. So purging expired entries is done during directory listing time. This affects directory listing performance, and also wastes disk space.

Some other systems implement lifecycle management by repeatedly scanning the directory tree and deleting the expired files. This approach is inefficient and slows down the system.

This Seaweed Admin server enables more flexible and efficient lifecycle management:

  • The files are not required to be uploaded as a TTL file. You can set or change different retention periods by different directories and optionally by file tags. The retention period can be set to any number of days.
  • The expired files are purged in the background, without affecting the directory listing performance.
  • The expired files are deleted as soon as they expire, without wasting disk space.
  • There are file deletion events generated for the expired files. These events can be used to trigger other actions, such as sending notifications or updating other systems.

Point-in-Time Recovery #

Recover to Any Point in Time #

Recover your data to any point in time with ease and precision. You can view the files at a specific point in time and recover them as needed.

Continuous Metadata Protection #

Ensure the safety and integrity of your data with metadata protection. The metadata is stored on a separate server to ensure it is always safe.

Scalable and Efficient Storage #

Leverage the power of SeaweedFS’s distributed file system for scalable storage. The content of deleted files stays in the original SeaweedFS cluster. The Seaweed Admin server only stores the metadata, which is much smaller in size.

and is purged only when the snapshots using the files are purged.

On the contrary, the object store bucket versioning feature can only grow over time, even if the files are deleted long time ago and never needed anymore. There are no way to recover the occupied space.

No Performance Impact #

Seaweed Admin uses asynchronous metadata replication and does not impact the performance of your SeaweedFS cluster.

One-Click Restore #

Restore your files or directories from the admin UI. No need to manually copy files from the backup. The file content is also removed from the normal purge queue.